Succeed By Taking Imperfect Action
One of the most important things that I have learned in my time online and with Internet marketing is that taking constant imperfect action is crucial. Working for a day or two on your projects and not returning back to them for weeks or months on end just won't cut it I'm afraid. By doing that you are setting yourself up to have reduced motivation and frustration and unfortunately to quit.
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with failure. Failure is a part of your learning journey. Your education, if you want to call it that. You need to embrace failure and allow it to be the thing that drives you on to your ultimate success and achieve your goals.
Somebody once told me that if you are going to fail, learn how to fail fast. At first I laughed at that, but after thinking about it, I realized that it was good advice. Basically what he was saying was to not overcomplicate stuff and be too fussy. Dont take 6 months to create a website that should only take a week, only to find out that the niche or keywords had no money in them. A weeks work is easy to move on from, but 6 months can really knock your confidence.
Its also very important to test stuff out because there may be some things you are better at than others or enjoy more, whether that's niche sites, product creation or design. Once to pick up on something you like you can gain momentum with that direction and in turn gain motivation.
If things are not working out as you are hoping, stick at it and stay positive. Keep going and keep trying. Success may only just be around the corner. I am always open to constructive criticism but try to always stay positive and keep learning. There may be negative people around you telling you that what you are doing is no good or a waste of time because you are not producing faster income. Ignore them and stay on track. If you listen to too much outside negativity you will eventually succumb to it and eventually quit. Do not let that happen!
I was really bad at wanting every project to be perfect. Know the A-Z of everything before I would actually do anything. Call it perfectionism or overthinking, and that did really slow down my progress. If I didn't feel ready, nothing would get started. Its still something that I have to work hard to avoid doing today.
One of the best ways to move forward is to take Imperfect Action. Imperfect action will teach you all about abundance. When you are waiting for everything to be perfect in your project, you will start to believe that your project is your one shot at success. With imperfect action you will soon realize that there are more chances for success. Many more.
With imperfect action you are basically discovering yourself and not just waiting to be discovered. When you are waiting to be discovered, you are looking to be validated or approved of by someone who you think is better than you or more successful than you at what you are trying to achieve. With imperfect action you are discovering and approving yourself. It makes you unstoppable because you are always able to take the next step regardless of outside forces. If someone does validate you, then treat that as a bonus. Be in control of your own destiny!
With imperfect action, there is absolutely no such thing as failure. When things don't quite work out as you had hoped, you try again imperfectly, that way you will still be able to drive yourself forward to ultimate success.
If you have a plan that you believe in and have been putting it off because you weren't sure if it was going to be a winner or not, or somebody was telling you it was a bad idea, take a deep breath and go for it imperfectly. You will be very surprised at what you will achieve.
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Invaluable Sources - Thanks a lot for the proofread. I am the most terrible speller.
Posted in Mental Health Post Date 02/22/2021