Family Mediation Services
“In every crisis there is an opportunity.”
What is Mediation?
What can I expect from a mediation process? – How does it work?
- The first step in any mediation is to select a mediator that you feel comfortable with after having an initial consultation.
- It is essential that all parties have an initial consultation with the mediator.
- At the outset of the mediation process the mediator will confirm the issues that need to be resolved between the parties.
- Once the purpose of the mediation has been agreed upon by the parties the mediator will request individual meetings with the parties. In the individual meeting the mediator will explain the process, screen for safety issues and gather all pertinent information from each parties including their desired outcome.
- Once the parties have agreed to enter the mediation process the will sign a retainer contract and a Confidential Mediation Services Contract.
- The mediator will request certain information from your, based on the issue that needs to be mediated, prior to your individual meeting with the mediator.
- It is important for the participants to provide full disclosure of concerns and any pertinent information to the mediator in the individual session, including potential resolutions.
- Once the mediator has met with all of the participants individually and deems it appropriate to proceed the mediator will arrange mediation sessions with the parties.
- At the outset of the mediation the mediator will confirm the issues the need to be resolved “Discussion topics” with the parties.
- Once the discussion topics have been agreed upon the mediator will arrange a series of joint meetings with the parties.

Circle Mediation Benefits

At Circle Consulting and Resolutions we provide a range of family mediation services to help address a variety of issues that impact families.
We believe helping people engage in an interest based resolution process, rather than an adversarial process, benefits individuals in a number of significant ways.
Mediation is a voluntary, non-adversarial process where parties come together in good faith to address a mutual issue. Mediation is a much faster process than litigation and using a court process and seeks to improve the relationship.
Mediation is a cost effective solution in which the two parties share the cost of the mediator and engage with their lawyer at the end of the process for independent Legal advice.
When participating in mediation parties have direct input into decisions that impact their lives rather than having a third party, such as a judge, make decisions that impact their lives directly.
Mediation is a confidential process, a court proceeding is not.
Participants in mediation can create and tailor a plan the meets everyone’s needs including, parents, children and extended family.
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Virtual Mediation Also Available